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awesome game, congratulations, do you plan to release a downloadable version later ?

Thanks so much, StardustX! I haven't decided on a date yet... For now, I'll leave the free "in-browser" playable version alone for a while. But late, adding the EXE files (Windows, Linux, etc.) (*´ー`*)ノ Yes!

(1 edit)

I absolutely love it! Great look, great sound, so fun to play and oh-so juicy! This is a ton of fun, and a fantastic addition to the SHMUP Hall of Fame. I'm looking forward to sitting down with a controller and really digging in!


Thank you so much for your interest in the game! It's so great. The "Hall of Fame", wow σ(゚・゚*)・・・! I don't know... And yes, my advice to you therefore is to play with concentration in a quiet environment and above all, with a controller ! 

Looks fun

It was obviously extremely important to me that we have fun, so thank you very much for your comment~! \(^^\)

Epic Graphic.

Thank you so much~!!! (*´∀`)ノ Thanks♪

(2 edits)

well done! (tho is *hard* for a bad player like me!)

excellent use of pico8 features.

et vive la France :)

Thanks for your comment! I designed the game to be a bit challenging, being quite short. It requires perseverance, and learning to progress gradually... until the end. I hope it will make you want to play again. Hang in there! p(#^▽゚)q (and thanks for France! hihi)

if there is one thing to improve then that would be skippable menus.

the logo and the scores take ages to disappear and cannot be dismissed.

Yes, it's a deliberate choice, in homage to many, many old games. I'd like to keep the game as I imagined it... but I understand that not everyone will appreciate this choice... ヾ(_ _*) On the other hand, the better you get at the game, the longer the game sessions become, and the menu times are also nice, hihi!

Sick Game! Well done!

Thank you Krystian! Your reaction is great! ( v^-゚) I hope I wasn't too "sick" in the difficulty hihi. The comments will tell! (o^ ^o)